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3D Studio MAX Benchmark Standardization
Added on: Mon Aug 07 2000
Page: 1 2 3 

This scene contains advanced lighting methods, including refraction/reflection, and heavy raytracing usage.

Location: Scenes/misc/Islands.max
Poly Count: 21628
Lights: 1
Special Notes: Raytraced Reflection Water and Heavy Use of Post Effects

This scene contains particle dynamics in a elaborate waterfall sequence. Particles are renown system hogs, and at higher resolutions, this scene brings a system to a halt. If it appears that Max is locked up when rendering this scene, please be patient, prep time is extremely long.

Location: Scenes/feature_based/particles/waterfall.max
Poly Count: 86,908
Lights: 2
Special Notes: Particle dynamics combined with raytracing makes this scene a system killer at higher resolutions.

Benchmark Results

After weeks/months of collecting and processing data, a compiled table of selected systems with the results of the tests mention in this articles is available on 3DLuVr. Look it up in the Tech Zone..


Understanding system performance is an extremely important issue. It determines whether you make an educated purchase or a huge mistake. Being able to replicate and comprehend benchmarks is essential to this issue. If you don�t understand how a benchmark is run or aren�t able to reproduce a benchmark on your own system, its completely useless to you. Without a comparative baseline, or standardized benchmark, you won�t know what type of increase upgrading your system will give you.
When you do understand, and are able to replicate benchmarks, you�ll feel safe in your knowledge of possible upgrade paths and ways to upgrade your systems performance.

* Caution. When rendering at film resolution, it will take your computer an extremely LONG time to finish rendering.
For most images the range will be in between 10-40 minutes, depending on system speed. I don�t recommend doing FILM based
resolutions for the animations unless you have a really killer system.

* 3D Studio Max © Copyright 2000 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Microsoft and Windows NT ©2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved
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