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Making of Audi TT
Added on: Sun Oct 29 2000
Page: 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 

So far model should look like this:

Perspective Viewport

You should know how to do the inside of the wheel arch without help! Do it before you mirror everything. Common sense prevails!

Make sure everything is welded together and apply a material. Use the default Raytrace color, and set 'specular level' to '100' and 'glossiness' to '20'. See how it looks.

If your results are smooth looking and neat then you are ready to proceed. If not then go and play with patches for a while before moving on. Don't worry about the segmented look around the arch, that will be sorted out later.

Problem Section

I have added this section before we go further about some patch problems and how to fix them:

1. You move a handle and instead of 1 moving; all the rest spin around with it? All you need do is right click on the vertex that the handle belongs to and select Corner instead of Coplanar, then try again.

2. Make sure that no handles ever over lap each other!

This is bad news for your surface, the pink arrows show the handles and what vertex they belong to. Avoid cross overs like this. Keep track of handles in all viewports.

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