"Smokin 1" - Basic 3dsmax Particles Added on: Fri Sep 15 2000 |
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This tutorial is designed to cover the basics of particles, essentially creating smoke using spray. Later on I will write a more in depth tutorial on covering this subject since there is so much to cover, such as using super spray and paaray, and how to create fire and giant hell like explosions.
Thanks everyone for all the email I've received asking me to cover all of this stuff, really really cool to see emails from studios and game companies I've been inspired by emailing me to write more tutorials! :)

To start off, create a spray particle system. Go to the modify panel and adjust the settings as follows:
give it a speed of about 7
particle count of 800
life of 150 (set frames to 150)
change the size to about 30 to make the smoke puffs bigger.
and make them facing particles
disable constant particles
give it a birth rate of about .9 (birth rate controls how many particles are emited ect. and over how many frames).
Now if you play the animation, you will instantly notice the particles just move directly up and lack any real motion. Here is where we give some of the real world elements that make things look realistic and drive smoke around, such as wind and turbulence.

Create wind space warp and assign it:
make it spherical
give it a strength value of 1.5
decay value of about 0.013 (enable range indicators for better visual understanding)
set the turbulance of .95,
frequency of .48,
scale of 1.44
Now if you play the animation the particles blow away from the spacewarp and seem to have a bit more realistic motion. Essentially we're far from finished.