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"Back to Gaya" - the first CG Feature Film from Germany
Added on: Fri Mar 26 2004
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Michael: I've personally read all kinds of criticism on "Back to Gaya". The majority though is very positive towards our movie. And it's quite amazing these days, that when you flip the newspaper open, it has yet another review on our film.

Gildas: All in all very positive! Most people who wrote newspaper articles or produced TV programmes on BtG appear to be very suprised by the fact, that such a level of quality was possible to be achieved in our own country. And of course there were also negative critiques, but mainly from those, who haven't even seen the film yet. We will see the full image in the weeks to come, when it will become clear if and how successful the movie has actually been at the box offices.

The crowds of guests on the premiere party in Hannover's opera house

3DLuVr: Where do you see the German CG industry at the moment, in comparison to the international competition?

Manuel: It's too early for that question. But I think with "Back to Gaya" we've made a good start for the CG film bearing the brand "Made in Germany".

Toby: I see it at the base of the mountain, but we have enough impetus to make it to the peak.

Michael: I'm happy to see Germany finally get on with it. Someone had to make a start and that's what Ambient Entertainment did with BtG. Plus the outcome is more than just a "Hey, not too bad for a German production!". We've something very special here. It doesn't have to balk at an international comparison. We've also got the necessary talent around, and let's just hope that in the future there'll also be financiers again for projects like these.

Gildas: I think we have demonstrated, that if German companies provide the necessary financial means, we also can do 3D features of a high quality. We have the software, the experts, but the mogules still prefer to support Hollywood productions rather than native projects. And this also inevitably leads to the effect, that great CG artists are migrating to places, where the big productions take place. I think, with BtG we've managed to make the about-turn in this regard and have shown, that you can do these projects even in Germany and still make profit!

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