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Making of D'ni Firemarble Holder
Added on: Sun Dec 31 2000
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The additional Omni is positioned using the 'Place Highlight' tool (in the Align dropdown) to make a bright spot on the top of the marbleholder Ring. All else is excluded from this light. The plane with the Matte/Shadow material is positioned just above the original 'L' shaped base. This allows the environment map to show through the 'L' shaped mesh.

I adjusted the environment picture rotation/offset until the area under the holder and the glass reflections in the handle looked good. This takes time and patience to get just right but I like the look enough to persist with it. You'll see what I mean if you open the file.

Yeah, I know my modeling looks crummy, but luckily I can hide all that with..... *textures* :)

Here comes the other fun part, making a silk purse out of a sow's ear! My old fav's Glass and Brass rear their ugly heads once again to make a special appearence. The Materials are simple and quick but quite effective.

The glass is a slightly modified version of Neil's sample, using a Raytrace Material with a 1.5 IoR, gold/yellow colored transparency, fawney colored diffuse and a Falloff Map in the reflect slot set to 80%, 80% settings with black in the top slot and white in the lower slot.

The Blue glass is similar but with a blue transparency setting and an IoR of 3.0.

The three Brass materials are Standard Max materials with metal shading and a variety of map types. One has a diffuse bitmap, one has a diffuse falloff map, and one has no map. The falloff map is two shades of gold/brown which are on the Spring and Hoop. The diffuse bitmap is a matching one for a bump map that goes on the Holder Ring to give the engraved pattern (supplied). The one without a map is on the holder.

The reflections on the brass are all the same: a mix material in the reflect channel with the Watch picture (supplied) set to Spherical Environment, rotated 180 Deg. and blurred 0.012 in slot 1, a Raytrace map in slot 2, and the Mix slot with a Falloff map set to 80%, 80% black on top, white below.


These materials are all supplied in

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