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DTI3D - A journey through three dimensions
Added on: Tue Sep 25 2001
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DTI3D's LCD display is an innovative product breaking new ground in the computer industry. It brings the ability to view a three dimensional image on a two dimensional display through the use of parallax illumination. This technology splits the screen into even and odd columns forcing the human eyes natural depth of field to take effect, producing a 3d effect.
This effect works in any D3D or OpenGL program and in still images using the nvidia and Elsa stereo drivers. The new technology is innovative and has the greatest effect when used to present a concept, image, or model to a client.

Being on the bleeding edge does have its faults however. The Displays weak points manifest itself when in 3d mode. The display becomes dimmer, text blurs out, and the field of view for the effect is very narrow. That coupled with lack of native stereo NT driver support, and the low resolution of 1024x768 make the display difficult to recommend for primary 3d modeling.
However as mentioned before this is a PRE-production display and many of the problems encountered will be addressed in the final production version.

As the article was completed new information regarding the final production version of the display was made available.
The following features/innovations are present in the now finalized version.

-In the production version there are various buttons on the front of the display to quickly access and control the 3D functions, bypassing the time required to navigate through the menu.

-Additional drivers have become available from nvidia that allow the display to be used in hundreds of different games, even if they weren't originally programed in 3D.

-Additionally DTI is working to enhance the display through the use of drivers designed to maximum legibility while in 3D mode by allowing the mode to swap back and forth between 3D and 2D based on the information beneath the cursor.

-Finally DTI has become one of the first companies to be mentioned by name on nVidia's website and is gaining support throughout the community. Prices will drop and drives will become more refined as other companies start pouring in energy into this amazing technology. It can only get better.

I'd like to thank again Dimension Technologies Inc. and especially Mike Doolin
for giving us a chance to review this display. It was a pleasure to work with and we all look forward to seeing the final production versions hit the market.
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