Creating Animated Grass Added on: Mon Mar 18 2002 |
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First draw a simple three point shape in the front or left view as shown on the picture.
Now go into sub-object mode, select all points and set them to be "bezier corner" rather than "corner".

Since we want to use Max's internal scatter function we need to take care of the pivot. We want it to be at the bottom of the grass shaft.
Normally we could use the adjust pivot tools but for objects we want to use with scatter there appears to be a bug; it will never use the pivot you have set, it will always use the original pivot that was created when you made the shape.
So what we do is go out of sub-object mode and see where the pivot is at the moment, keep the position in mind, go back into sub-object mode and move the vertex selection so the bottom of the shaft is at the same position as the pivot.
Leave sub-object mode, check that the pivot is in the correct position. If so then go onto the next step.
