Guide to Making a Polygonal Head with NURMS Added on: Wed Jan 10 2001 |
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This tutorial is not meant to be a step by step guide on how to create a face. This is more of a record on how I constructed the model Bob, using a very cool Max3 feature called NURMS. There are a lot of excellent facial modelling tutorials on the net, so I figured that I will just focus more on the techniques that I use.
Hopefully you, the readers, will get something out of it.
So now lets start with the task at hand...
You will need:
3D Studio Max Release 3 or higher
Surface Tools (included in R3 or higher)
Meshsmooth (NURMS) modifier found in Max 3 (included in higher).
A lot of patience.
Step 1: Conceptualization
For me, the most important part of the whole process of 3D creation is the visualization phase. This is where I conceptualize the character on paper, so I can nail down the final look. I usually start off with really rough sketches.
Once I have decided on a look, I do a semi detailed 2d rendering of it just so I can get an idea as to how the final 3D model might look like. Once you have done this, things will go a lot smoother while you're slaving away on your favorite 3D program.

Very rough sketch of the bartender Bob character.
Step 2: Modelling Bob
After I finish the sketch, I then draw out the main facial outline of the character in 3D studio Max via Splines (see image). Once the proper contours are laid down, I go under modify, and attach each individual splines, just so I can edit them as one. After that, I click on Sub-Object for the next step.

Roughly sketched out spline structure of character.