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Creating Realistic Water with Wakes
Added on: Thu Aug 24 2000
Page: 1 2 3 

Texturing section (cont.)

16. click the source material slot and click the standard button and choose bitmap
- in coordinate panel choose: environ > spherical environment
- click the bitmap slot and choose sky.jpg (the one that came standard with max)

17. click the material/map navigator button and click base material: blue water (raytrace) from the list

18. click the bump material slot
click the standard button and choose noise from the list
- choose fractal as noise type
- set size : 1
- level: 10

the base material is done now the cap material...

19. on material/map navigator panel choose
- sea material (terrain material)
- click on the cap material slot
- in the name field type wakes
- click the difuse color box set it to 255,255,255 (absolute white)
- copy it to ambient and specular color box
- set shininess : 0
- shine strength : 0
- self ilumination : 20

20. open the maps panel
- set the bump amount to 30
- click the bump material slot
- click the standard button and choose noise from the list
- click ok
- set fractal as the noise type
- set : size : 0.5
- level : 10

that's it was not so hard, was it ?
for the final touch you can put the ship in the scene. I'm sorry I cant give you the ship that I use in my sample image because it's a property of the company I work for.
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