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#541| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Tue Oct 16 2001
An excellent and very indepth review of Nvidia's new Geforce 3 Titanium 500. Very fast and dropping in price rapidly.
#540| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Mon Oct 15 2001
Another MP review of the new 1.53 (1800+) Athlon MP processors. Remember only the MP processors run in a dual configuration, the XP processors ARE SMP DISABLED. (except for the 1st batch which has already been sold off)
#539| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Mon Oct 15 2001
Here's the press release of the AMD MP releases.
#538| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Mon Oct 15 2001
1.53 MP. Fast powerful SMP.
#537| source: Fernandez by crossbow on Sat Oct 13 2001
Elsa releases a new version of the max extreme driver. This one weighs in at 33 megs, 30 more then the previous release. Oooh baby.
#536| source: by crossbow on Sat Oct 13 2001
Afraid to build your own machine due to lack of support? Interestingly enough, people buying retail PC's are finding out that support is now something of the past. Read on to find out which companies are still providing support and which others have almost hit the bottom.
#535| source: by crossbow on Sat Oct 13 2001
Want to buy a Pentium IV? Think twice before buying, and make sure to read this article.

#534| source: by crossbow on Sat Oct 13 2001
The Alpha 8045. Quiet, powerful, and enormous. Using an 80mm fan removes the high pitched whine of many a 60mm fan, while keeping performance at an acceptable level.
#533| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Sat Oct 13 2001
Dual Morgan MP. Is it worth it? Unfortuantly this site doesn't test these hefty processors in Max or virtually any other 3d application, so use the information at your own risk. I think the Morgan's crippled l2 cache will greatly reduce the render performance of this otherwise fantastic cpu.
#532| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Sat Oct 13 2001
Lost your package again? BBUL got your down? Well anand finds it and explains all.

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