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#734| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Tue Jun 11 2002
Everything is hot. Processors are hot. Jessica Alba is hot. Even ram chips are hot. So cool them all down...with er... just put ramsinks on the ram.
#733| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Tue Jun 11 2002
Here come the tbred reviews. Whats the end result? Hotter chips that run slightly faster.
#732| source: Random Linkage by crossbow on Tue Jun 11 2002
Not an Asus fan? Still need a 333 FSB? Well walk on over to abit, to check out their KX7, now with extra legacy stuff for everyone that the IT7 freaked out.
#731| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Tue Jun 11 2002
Looking for a motherboard? The Asus A7v333 is a most excellent Socket A solution. Pimping out a variety of features, with asus stability, you can't go wrong with this squarish beast of a mother.
#730| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Tue Jun 11 2002
Geforce 4 feeling a bit toasty? How bout a nice dash of copper to cool it off. Tweakers and company review thermaltake's copper Geforce 4 cooler.
#729| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Sat May 11 2002
Pentium IV Celerons....could Intel possibly make a slower chip? I wonder if their own employees know how much this stuff sucks.
#728| source: by crossbow on Fri May 10 2002
The Pentium IV 2.53B. Beaten by a 1.73 Athlon? Thats if you run the Athlon at 166(333) Front Side Bus. =)

#727| source: Overclockers by crossbow on Fri May 10 2002
Looks like an Intel/AMD price cut around memorial day. After that there isn't a planned cut for around 4-5 months.

#726| source: Aceshardware by crossbow on Fri May 10 2002
Take a look at all the juicy love which is 3dlabs...Creative 3dlabs that is.
#725| source: Aceshardware by crossbow on Fri May 10 2002
War is coming. Both 3dlabs and Matrox are tired of sitting around being slapped in the face by competitors. Looks like competition is about to come round and bitch slap the whole industry with Matrox's G1000 and 3dlabs P10.

Of course the real question is...are these just marketing departments having fun? Or will we actually see these cards before next year.

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