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#411| source: Mushkin by crossbow on Fri Jul 20 2001
Mushkin, possibly one of the best Ram dealers in the US, now has 512 Meg PC2100 Cas 2 Registered ECC dimms for sale. (Thats a mouthful).
#410| source: Aceshardware by crossbow on Fri Jul 20 2001
MSI abandons plans to produce a AMD760MP Dual AMD board with a via southbridge. The New board will feature BOTH an AMD northbridge and southbridge. Yay.
#409| source: Aceshardware by crossbow on Fri Jul 20 2001
Apple announces a slightly faster G4 Computer. Now you'll be able to open photoshop 4 SECONDS faster then before. And over 2 Seconds faster then a P4 1.7 Gigahertz!

"The 867MHz version, priced at $2,499, includes 128MB of RAM, a 60GB hard drive and a SuperDrive, which reads and writes both DVDs and CDs. The high-end machine, which comes with two 800MHz chips, sells for $3,499 and comes with 256MB of memory and an 80GB hard drive"
#408| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Fri Jul 20 2001
Intel's New Coppermine Line the Tuailan (The one I can't spell), straps a thunderbird to a stool and starts slapping it around. A comparison of a 1.2 T vs a 1.2 Tbird.

#407| source: Tomshardware by crossbow on Tue Jul 17 2001
We might finally be seeing some major competition in the graphics market. (Yay cheap graphics cards again [hopefully]). Tom takes a look at the new features of the radeon 2's which are INCLUDED in directx 8.1.
#406| source: Aceshardware by crossbow on Tue Jul 17 2001
Intel's Tuailain. Nobody can spell it and nobody will ever see it. If the chip is released onto the retail market intel is afraid everyone will notice that it outperforms the pentium a much cheaper price point.
#405| source: Aceshardware by crossbow on Tue Jul 17 2001
The Wildcat II 5000 from 3dlabs. Take one Wildcat, remove the wild, and your left with a slower and cheaper feline. Basically the budget version of the 5110.
#404| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Tue Jul 17 2001
When you know what your doing, you make everyone around you much happier...or at least prevent them from killing you. Thats right, its an update to the lost circuits BIOS guide! Check this out if you've ever wondered what Auto HardDisk Erase Does.
#403| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Tue Jul 17 2001
Via pushes their DDR P4 chipset. Cheap fast memory at last!
#402| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Tue Jul 17 2001
Kyle and friends take a long [H]ard look at the abit KG7...and almost go blind. A good early review of the first 4 dimm AMD760 socket A motherboard. Remember these babies require registered dimms, not your run of the mill lame dimm.

I do worry however of Abits choice to include a VIA southbridge. Sigh.

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