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#421| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Tue Jul 31 2001
Maxtor announces the new ATA-133 standard. Now IDE only trails scsi by 187 megs a second!
#420| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Mon Jul 30 2001
Intel's new budget processor the 1.2 Ghz Tualatin. Just like the original celeron, it outperforms intel's flagship processor. Hilarous.
#419| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Mon Jul 30 2001
This was found to be a FALSE Rumor. The nforce chipset is scheduled as planned.

#418| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Thu Jul 26 2001
Hitachi is withdrawing from the CRT market. Remember there is always a penalty for early withdrawl.
#417| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Thu Jul 26 2001
Geforce? Here Geforce....where are you geforce? Oh wait, here's three of you. Ok so I'm out of funny things to say, but there is nothing funny about the way anand attacks computer hardware. Check out his geforce 3 reviews.
#416| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Thu Jul 26 2001
Artistic Itanium Nudes. Intel in the Raw. Well not really in the raw, maybe in the raw after a hole is torn in that massive case.
#415| source: Tomshardware by crossbow on Wed Jul 25 2001
Great bios optimization article. For all your hidden tweaking needs.
#414| source: FiringSquad by crossbow on Mon Jul 23 2001
Introduction to 3D Graphics. Althought most of you probably took this course, I know a few of you slept through it. Now's a good time to refresh your memory before all the beautiful ladies start asking you if your believe side band addressing is a good hardware function.
#413| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Mon Jul 23 2001
This is taken directly from OCP. Its a quote dealing with ram issues and possible price increases.

Hynix said it yesterday. It said officially that it will be suspending production at its plant in Eugene, Oregon, for a period of six months to upgrade the facility. Immediately, Samsung Electronics said it has no plans to cut production no matter what Hynix does. It would simply adjust production volume according to demand.

Mitsu also sees fit to simply shut the doors to the plant but not for as long...

Mitsubishi Electric will halt output for 10 days at factories producing flash memory, DRAMs, static random access memory (SRAM) and system large-scale integration chips.

And finally the Chosun just sees it all going straight into the dumper.

"Memory chip makers are facing the worst price decline ever," remarked the B2B memory chip wholesaler, DRAM Exchange.

Quoted from [H]ard|OCP
#412| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Sun Jul 22 2001
Bloated Whale? Or hypersonic super demon? Only time will tell. Ace takes a look at Itanium, the good, the bad, and the very very expensive.

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