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#431| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Wed Aug 08 2001
A USB cd organizer. This thing is falls under super pimp. This is one of the neatest Ideas I've ever seen. No more searching for those movies you made with your gf back in 97'...oh wait that was me making them =).
#430| source: Aceshardware by crossbow on Tue Aug 07 2001
Ace and company take a look at matrox's new video card, the g550 yet another revision of the old g400 chipset. Awesome 2D performance and utterly slow 3D performance. Can't beat the 2D quality however.
#429| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Tue Aug 07 2001,4586,5095254,00.html?chkpt=zdnnp1tp02
When the competition gets fierce, dig a deeper hole. Intel announces massive price cuts to the pentium IV, upwards of 50% with an additional 10-15% cut in october. They hope to finally sell a Pentium IV system.
#428| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Tue Aug 07 2001
Think that new g4 866 is fast? Think again. Tech report takes a look at Apple's benchmarking and determines just how much bs is being shoveled around.
#427| source: Tomshardware by crossbow on Mon Aug 06 2001
AMD760 DDR motherboards. The fastest solution available for single DDR thunderbird systems. Tom take a look at the nine board offerings available.
#426| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Sun Aug 05 2001
Another heatsink shootout. When will these guys start getting along? Check this out if you like to keep your babies cool.
#425| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Sun Aug 05 2001
Nec withdrawls from the Ram market. I wonder if anyone noticed that certain dimms are increasing in price lately...
#424| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Sun Aug 05 2001
Intel's new processor, the Tuailain (Which I spell wrong all the time), requires new motherboards to fully pimp itself out. So without much more babble, here's a review of Iwill's new BD133u Coppermine-T motherboard. It even speaks to you when you break the machine.
#423| source: FiringSquad by crossbow on Thu Aug 02 2001
The Squad pimps out Part 2 of "So you wanted to be a 3D Junkie" Also know as their awesome 3d guide. If you've ever been left in the corner at a techhead convention, then this article is for you. Grab hold of your AA lines and slam down a few shots of texels.
#422| source: Storagereview by crossbow on Thu Aug 02 2001
Fujitsu decides to pull the plug...the ATA plug that is. Thats right no more harddrives from Fujitsu. They've decided that its better to leave while your still wearing your pants, then to be left out in the cold without your knickers.

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