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Fonix Demonstrates VoiceIn at GDC 2004
Posted by: amigo
Source: Fonix PR
 Date: Tue Mar 23 2004
SALT LAKE CITY (Mar. 23, 2004) -- Fonix(R) Corp. an industry leader in delivering conversational speech solutions to consumer systems and devices for everyday use, will demonstrate Fonix VoiceIn(TM), our unique voice interface software for cross-platform game developers, at the 2004 Game Developers Conference, March 22-26, San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, Calif.

Game developers are looking for ways to make games more exciting, more interactive and more fun. Fonix delivers a superior voice interface, allowing developers to easily add voice-enabled command and control functions. This award-winning software has been available in the Microsoft Xbox(R) developer's kit (XDK) since February 2003. The first two games using Fonix voice command based on the Xbox(R) video game system were released in October 2003: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3, published by Ubisoft, and SWAT: Global Strike Team, published by Vivendi Universal Games.

Now developers of cross-platform games can use the same voice solution, which is optimized to require very little memory and processing power. And Fonix VoiceIn is the only system that allows developers to create a common API and run it across multiple gaming platforms.

Fonix representatives will be available in Creative Lab's Exposuite #238 on the main expo floor. Interested developers can also visit Fonix sales and engineering representatives during expo hours in Suite #926, Hilton San Jose Towers. There, the Fonix team will demonstrate VoiceIn capabilities on PlayStation(R)2 and PC systems, as well as providing demonstrations of Fonix voice command and control technology as delivered on the Xbox(R) XDK. Our engineers will show you how easy it is to put Fonix VoiceIn your game.

Fonix VoiceIn for PlayStation(R)2 and PC platforms is available from Fonix. Call 801-553-6600 and say "Game Consoles" for pricing and delivery information.

Related Links:
Fonix website

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