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Kaydara releases MotionBuilder 5
Posted by: amigo
Source: Kaydara website
 Date: Mon Sep 22 2003
September 22, 2003 - Today marks the release of Kaydara MotionBuilder 5, an update to the company's 3D animation suite. The new version boasts several enhanced character animation features, along with an expanded file format support. MotionBuilder 5 is now available for Mac OS X and Windows.

MotionBuilder 5 is a real-time character animation software suite designed for high-end work in films, broadcast, interactive and game development. It offers a real-time rendering engine a HumanIK feature designed to shorten setup times for character animation. The new version adds a Story-Timeline, which allows users to edit audio, video and contstraints in a timeline, along with a new independent camera track. Other new features include:

- Enhanced character animation tools, including support for quadruped characters, hand floor constraints, finger and toe controls, squash and stretch and additional neck bone controls;
- Enhanced support for Nvidia OpenGL technologies;
- Workflow ehancements, including F-curve, property editors, customizable shortcuts and more comprehensive undo capabilities;
- Built-in clipart library;
- Support for additional file formats, including OBJ, DXF, 3DS, mp3, AAC and formats from new FBX partners Wings3D and RealViz.

Kaydara is shipping both standard and Professional editions of MotionBuilder 5. The Professional version includes support for advanced motion capture editing tools, a software development kit, integration with asset management systems and personalized customer support and product development, according to the company. The standard edition sells for $995. The Professional edition sells for $3,495. Both are expected to ship in August for Mac OS X and Windows. For more information, visit

Related Links:
Kaydara website

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