Designing a Faucet Added on: Sat Aug 30 2003 |
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Dear Designers, my name is Mario Malagrino and I teach 3D graphic at the Florence Design Academy. This is one of many many other tutorials of the Florence Design Academy.
Create a box with
Length segments: 3
Width seg: 6
Height seg: 3
Be carefull when you create this box. The number of polygons in the viewports must be the same like in the tutorial. Of corse it is different if you create the box from the top view or from the side view.

Convert your box in a editable mesh ( right mouse click on the object -> convert to editable mesh ). Now apply a meshsmooth modifier from the modifier list. Apply iteration 1 !

If you work from side view (Left) remember that you must always select the vertexes of BOTH sides of the object !
Select the red vertexes that you see in the picture. Don't forget to check all the view ports of the tutorial, it is VERY important that you work with all the views. This tutorial was very important and usefull for my students :) I always tell them : DON'T work only in one viewport...use all of them !
