Slider Setup Added on: Sat Jan 18 2003 |
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This slider tutorial will cover adding sliders, rigging them to auto hide when not in use, and hooking up multiple channels to a single slider.
NOTE: Save often with incremented file names ie: slider_tut_001.lwo, slider_tut_014.lws. This may save you some time if you do a step incorrectly.

Open Modeler, create a default box. Save it as box.lwo and send it to layout

Add 2 nulls name them SliderSelector and SliderNull. Parent SliderNull to SliderSelector and parent SliderSelector to the box. Move SliderSelector above the box and key it in place if you dont have autokey turned on.

Select SliderNull and use the scene editor to hide it using the visibility tab.

Click on the scene tab. Open the Master plugins panel and add ProxyPick. Set the proxy object to SliderSelector and the Target Item to SliderNull. Click the apply label button. Uncheck the check mark for the proxy pick plugin to temporarily disable it.