Texturing the Head

The first step was attach both sides of the head and make them
seamless. I welded together each point in the middle of the head
and smoothed the points together. Then I moved each point around
to get rid of the bump that occured between the sides.


Then cylindrical mapping was used in order to attach mapping
coordinates to the face.


The mapping coordinates made it possible to unwrap the mesh
into a flat texture image file. Now that I had this I could simply
paint on top of it and the texture would fit into the correct place.


I took the side and front photographs and merged them together
with Photoshop. I tried to erase as much of the shadows as I could
from the image. This was because the 3d program creates its own
shadows so the two would interfere.


I edited the original texture map and made the bump map from
it. I tried to make a continuous rough surface over the face
painted area to get a nice texture.


Again I took the original texture map and edited it. This time
I made the specular highlight map. The only area I really
wanted it to be shiny was right under the eyes so I made this
region brighter. I didn't want too much shine because I
think that leaves the model looking like plastic. Also I left a
small amount of white on the neck area for the skin.


The eyeball texture was taken from a photograph and mapped onto
the pupil, iris and white section. The cornea was left as transparent
under another transparent layer that covers the entire eye.


This is the finished result of all the maps working together.


Texturing the Body