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#754| source: c|net by maximum3d on Sat Jul 13 2002
Mac Users Smarter Than PC Users? (This should cause some controversy starting with me since I am a non-mac user)- A recent survey from net statistic company Nielsen/NetRatings has shown that not only do Mac users tend to have a better education than PC users, but they also earn a higher salary, are more experienced on the web, and shop online more often.
#753| source: The Inquirer by maximum3d on Sat Jul 13 2002
Panic stations as DDR price soars - if you are planning on buying DDR memory you'd better get your skates on, as spot market watcher Marco Fumagalli tells us that 256MB sticks are likely to hit $60 on the spot market at the beginning of next week. Currently, and in the European market, such sticks are costing around $57, with these prices spot market rather than retail market prices.
#752| source: Vnunet by maximum3d on Sat Jul 13 2002
PC prices are falling again - and the merger of Hewlett Packard (HP) and Compaq could push them down even further, according to researchers IDC. Moves towards Pentium 4, as well as increased memory and storage prices, pushed desktop and server prices back to mid-2001 levels in the first quarter of this year. But IDC said slow business in the last two months had forced vendors to be more aggressive, pushing prices down again.
#751| source: The Register by maximum3d on Sat Jul 13 2002
Microsoft to retire Windows 2000 in 9 months - In a push for OEM Computer manufactures to stop offering it's business customers the option of Windows XP or 2000 Microsoft will retire Windows 2000 for the OEM market in 9 months.
#750| source: Silicon by maximum3d on Sat Jul 13 2002
McAfee software fails to safeguard vs. Klez - One of the top antivirus companies, McAfee, has admitted that their widely-used Mcafee Anti-Virus program does not always defend against the Klez virus, now the most prolific virus ever, having infected over 750,000 computers in under a month.
#749| source: 3DCenter.DE by maximum3d on Sat Jul 13 2002
Anti-Aliasing Quality Between GF4 Ti & Parhelia Comparsion - has posted an Anti-Aliasing quality comparison between a Geforce 4 Ti and the brand new Matrox Parhelia. The article is in german but check pictures.
#748| source: Digit Life by maximum3d on Sat Jul 13 2002
Matrox Parhelia 128 MBytes Video Card Review - As compared with the previous products from Matrox, this is a super-revolution! It even makes no sense to give specs of the G400/450/550. But as compared with the current solutions from ATI (RADEON 8500) and NVIDIA (GeForce4 Ti) the Parhelia looks quite modest. Although 16 texture units place this chip on a higher level, our tests will show that almost no applications can work with the multitexturing mode of "4 pipelines X 4 texture units".
#747| source: PC World by maximum3d on Sat Jul 13 2002
The eyes have it - As computers become more sophisticated, our eye movements could replace the common mouse and keyboard. Scientists at London's Imperial College are developing eye-tracking technology to establish exactly how the eye works and how we look at things.
#746| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Wed Jun 19 2002
With Matrox's new card on the horizon, its probably a good time to read up on its abilities, before dropping 1....billion dollars.... on its purchase.
#745| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Wed Jun 19 2002
Lost without bread crumbs to find your way home? Then stumble on over to Anandtech for a quick look over some of the confusing pr around a varitety of video accelerator technology. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, its probably pr.

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